воскресенье, 10 января 2010 г.

Something to really care about

Recently I was thinking about my life, about all those events I have in my life and about those events I had in my life. And I was thinking about people in my life, about those I have and about those I had. And guess what? There is nothing and no one in this life I would really care about. There are no such people in my life for which I would regret. I mean, here is the friend of mine and I like this person and I love this person and in case my friend needs help I will come to help him or her, no matter how far I was away. Though, I never miss those people and I never think about them. And there were people in my life, actually there was a person in my life and I thought I was in love. But, with the laps of time that belief was gone and I just left and once again – there was no single second for me to feel sorry about things were ended like that. And that is how it always happens in my life. I have no one and nothing in this life I really care about. It seems like there is no heart for me, or there are no my people in this world.

There are foundations

There are foundations people have and as a rule those are foundations suggested to them by their parents. See, humans live in this world for a number of thousands of years and they have made up rules as for this live and their behavior and their attitude towards each other. And those are rules we call foundations. There are also laws people have made up and those are written down to the code of laws and people will be punished according to law in case they will break rules. Though, no one will arrest you and throw you into jail in case you will offend a person you love or something. And that is why people need foundations. They need foundations that are like manual for those cases when law is silent. The set of foundations is like the mental code of laws people have to follow. Though, no one will punish one in case he or she will break a rule. It is just consciousness of people that makes them follow those rules. That is why those are most frequent rules to break for people. One way or another, but every broken mental rule is a rule one will have to pay for, but the way different from the legal way.

вторник, 14 апреля 2009 г.

Human Values

Morality or moral values are the forms of conduct accepted and followed by a society. Ones moral values often reflect their personality and their nature as well. It is very important to value these things.

Man is a social animal. We live in a society, where there are certain social norms and rules to be followed in order to be a part of these groups. Remember, you will be judged based on your moral judgments as they uphold your values. If we have to subjectively classify the values, then we can classify into three categories in a very broad sense.

The values which we prefer to uphold can be classified into preferential values. For instance, like we say, I prefer to jog in the morning. I value this activity. This says more about you as an individual. Most of the ethical values as explained in the common terms do not hold any value here. These are more of an acquired value for what you do.

Then there are those which we value only till we get to the final destinations. These are generally classified as instrumental values. For instance, knowing a skill is important to me only until it gets me a source of income. Or like a means of transportation which I value only until I reach my destination.

Something’s are which have value in itself, can be classified as intrinsic values. These are some values of life which we value for it. For instance, good health, sound body, these are valued for itself and not for anything else.

пятница, 27 февраля 2009 г.

Values Of Families

We talk about values all the time and yet most of us aren’t even sure how to define values. When we talk about family values, we aren’t talking about anything specific. One family’s set of values ranges, often dramatically, from another family’s set. This is true through the world. What one person believes is a strong set of values another might take issue with. It is a rather complex subject that bears investigation. You can’t set up your own values let alone your family’s if you don’t really even know what they are to begin with.

Values do not imply making judgments on other people and their life. Rather, it has everything to with simply being the best person you can be. When we shadow another family in the cast of the ardent values we have set for ourselves and condemn them for not living up to them what other values are in play? Since when does condemnation create for good values? Love, acceptance, and peace are the values that we are all trying to get to and yet we keep getting in our own way because we hold the belief that our set is better than everyone else’s.

It is not an easy thing to disagree with someone and the way in which they live while still recognizing that their values are not wrong, just different. The decisions you make regarding your own moral compass belong to you and it’s likely that you wouldn’t respond well to someone else’s questions regarding your choice of values no matter what books or evidence you think you have backing you up.

понедельник, 12 января 2009 г.

The value of life

Life has always been considered to be the main value. All attempts to question the value of life were not successful. Curiously enough but the most sworn enemies of this value is religion. Religion is concentrated on the afterlife and that is why this value is competitive to religious views. Religion teaches us, that this life is meant for our preparation for the passage to another world. Church teaches us to avoid enjoyments of this world. They are said to divert our attention from our main goal. As you see, these ideas are not popular today. The number of people, who think so and support these views, is decreasing. People value life more and more. This is a good tendency, indeed. However, some youth organizations build their views on denying the value of life and propagate death, but fortunately they are not very popular in comparison with the number of people, who love life. Religious activists call us to give up the vanities of this world and turn to eternal values. The very phrase "eternal values" is an implicit negation of the value of life, because life is temporary. This up to you to decide, whether you stick to "eternal values", or live for the day and enjoy life.

пятница, 26 декабря 2008 г.

Individualism and values

Many centuries on end before life a particular person meant nothing for all kinds of regimes. Only with the emergence of democracy, people began to value each person, regardless of language, belief, color of skin and social status. However, as for social status, this claim is the most questionable is the weakest point of democracy. Today people are not equal even in advanced society. This fact contradicts the very essence of democracy and makes democratic ideas vulnerable and exposed to criticism. Democracy is mostly criticized for its hypocrisy. However one of the unquestionable achievements of democracy is humanism, which places the man in the center of all priorities. This is a reaction to despotism and authoritarianism and all other types of political regimes, when life of ordinary citizen meant nothing for the elite. Due to democracy, life and rights of each person are the main values of our time. This fact gives us a great number of different opportunities. If you are a clever and talented person, you can be a success. If you are an ordinary and mediocre person, you also have rights and freedoms. Thus, we may say that our time is the most favorable for living and self-actualization. However, there are a lot of people, who argue that there are values, which are much more important, for example, state interests. They think that human life is worth being sacrificed for the sake of common prosperity. I think that this idea is wrong.

воскресенье, 14 декабря 2008 г.


All people have their values. Even those, who are immoral, have their immoral values. Values depend on many breeding mostly. They are also formed under the influence of personal experience and events. Values always represent collective experience. They are passed on from previous generation to the next one and then are corrected by this very next generation. There are overall values of the whole society and personal values of single citizens. The topic of values and moral principles is very urgent today. At present we observe decline in all values. Our time is marked by evolution of values and their total transformation. Thus generation gap becomes more and more vividly seen nowadays. In past times the problem of generation gap existed too. However, it was not so vivid and topical. The differences in life approaches were minor. Despite this fact, there were arguments between representatives of two generations. Nowadays, it turns out that parents and children can’t understand each other at all. They have absolutely different values. Besides, no one wants to find compromise and reach mutual understanding. Egoism and egocentric tendencies are characteristic features of both younger and older generations at present. This fact aggravates the problem of values and generation gap between two generations, between parents and their children, to say nothing about grandmothers and grandfathers. Our grandmothers and grandfathers are unable to understand everything which happens today. Everything changes today much faster than in previous times. That is why our grandparents still remain in the past and can’t influence the situation at all. Besides, grandchildren demonstrate total disrespect form elderly people in general and their grandmothers and grandfathers in particular. Sad times!!!