воскресенье, 10 января 2010 г.

There are foundations

There are foundations people have and as a rule those are foundations suggested to them by their parents. See, humans live in this world for a number of thousands of years and they have made up rules as for this live and their behavior and their attitude towards each other. And those are rules we call foundations. There are also laws people have made up and those are written down to the code of laws and people will be punished according to law in case they will break rules. Though, no one will arrest you and throw you into jail in case you will offend a person you love or something. And that is why people need foundations. They need foundations that are like manual for those cases when law is silent. The set of foundations is like the mental code of laws people have to follow. Though, no one will punish one in case he or she will break a rule. It is just consciousness of people that makes them follow those rules. That is why those are most frequent rules to break for people. One way or another, but every broken mental rule is a rule one will have to pay for, but the way different from the legal way.