воскресенье, 14 декабря 2008 г.


All people have their values. Even those, who are immoral, have their immoral values. Values depend on many breeding mostly. They are also formed under the influence of personal experience and events. Values always represent collective experience. They are passed on from previous generation to the next one and then are corrected by this very next generation. There are overall values of the whole society and personal values of single citizens. The topic of values and moral principles is very urgent today. At present we observe decline in all values. Our time is marked by evolution of values and their total transformation. Thus generation gap becomes more and more vividly seen nowadays. In past times the problem of generation gap existed too. However, it was not so vivid and topical. The differences in life approaches were minor. Despite this fact, there were arguments between representatives of two generations. Nowadays, it turns out that parents and children can’t understand each other at all. They have absolutely different values. Besides, no one wants to find compromise and reach mutual understanding. Egoism and egocentric tendencies are characteristic features of both younger and older generations at present. This fact aggravates the problem of values and generation gap between two generations, between parents and their children, to say nothing about grandmothers and grandfathers. Our grandmothers and grandfathers are unable to understand everything which happens today. Everything changes today much faster than in previous times. That is why our grandparents still remain in the past and can’t influence the situation at all. Besides, grandchildren demonstrate total disrespect form elderly people in general and their grandmothers and grandfathers in particular. Sad times!!!